Jolicloud internship: first steps of a start-up

I just finished my internship at Jolicloud as part of my studies in TELECOM Bretagne. It lasted almost one year. Jolicloud is a new start-up created by Tariq Krim (who created Netvibes) that builds an operating system adapted to netbooks and focused on the web technologies and services. I lived from the inside the launching […]

My UWA widgets

I am yet migrating to this blog all the projects I maintain. As part of this process, I just migrated all the UWA widgets I created. UWA widgets are tiny web applications that can run on platforms like Netvibes, IGoogle,, Opera, the Vista sidebar or the Apple dashboard. I describe all these widgets in […]

Summer internship as Netvibes developper

From july to august 2007, I have done an internship of two months by Netvibes in Paris. This internship was a summer internship for TELECOM Bretagne. During this internship, I made development in AJAX, particularly for the Universal Widget API platform. I developed new widgets and converted old internal Netvibes widgets to UWA. I developed […]

Develop a website for students to choose projects

From january to june 2007, for my second semester project at TELECOM Bretagne “Development project”, I was asked, with 3 other students, to develop an online projects management system for the computer science department of the university Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO). Goals This website had to allow the persons invited by the projects session […]