Christmas star lights

This article is a translation of the one I wrote on the Téléfab website. This project was built in the Téléfab. Christmas is coming! It is the perfect time to build yourself christmas star lights as an ornament for your christmas tree. To differentiate this ornament from the ones you can buy, I decided to […]

A decorative LED frame

This article describes how I built a decorative LED frame using a cheap photo frame, an RGB LED strip and an Arduino.

Hardware accelerated network monitoring: NetFPGA

During my third year at Télécom Bretagne, I worked on a project with two colleagues to develop an hardware accelerated network monitoring tool using a NetFPGA. This low-level project was very interesting and made me discover how to develop directly in hardware using a language called Verilog. To let you discover this project, I pasted […]

Django better than a CMS?

I recently had to rewrite a website I’m maintaining for a very small business: Le fil à soi. They are 3 teacher who offer courses of chinese massage, qi gong and Gestalt therapy in Bordeaux, France. The requirements for the website are quite simple: presentation of the place, the people, and contact information pages for […]

Jolicloud internship: first steps of a start-up

I just finished my internship at Jolicloud as part of my studies in TELECOM Bretagne. It lasted almost one year. Jolicloud is a new start-up created by Tariq Krim (who created Netvibes) that builds an operating system adapted to netbooks and focused on the web technologies and services. I lived from the inside the launching […]

Let’s replace Facebook by blogs!

Many people who have blogs say that it’s their main social network. They interact with the commentators. They discover their blogs and enlarge their network of interesting blogs. The interesting fact about blogs is that they aren’t centralized. So the blogger controls the information it publishes. Whereas in Facebook, only Facebook controls the information you […]

Multilingual WordPress blog

This blog uses the WordPress blog platform. All articles are available in French and English, and the interface of the blog is fully translated. To do this, I use the qtranslate plugin. It enables to write easily articles, tags and categories in multiple languages. Default WordPress widgets are also supported. Use The plugin modifies the […]