Tiny6 – IPv6 in sensor networks

During the semester I spent in India from January to June 2008, I participated to the Tiny6 project between TELECOM Bretagne in France, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) and an university in China. Goal of the project Sensor networks arenetworks of small nodes that communicate through a wireless link. They often use their […]

My UWA widgets

I am yet migrating to this blog all the projects I maintain. As part of this process, I just migrated all the UWA widgets I created. UWA widgets are tiny web applications that can run on platforms like Netvibes, IGoogle, Live.com, Opera, the Vista sidebar or the Apple dashboard. I describe all these widgets in […]

TvOnResEl: watch TV on your computer easily!

As I arrived at TELECOM Bretagne, I discovered the ResEl : the students’ network. I discovered too that they were broadcasting all free TV channels on the network. The problem : the recommended software to watch these channel was VLC, a very powerful media player, but very complicated to use and not really adapted to […]

Develop a website for students to choose projects

From january to june 2007, for my second semester project at TELECOM Bretagne “Development project”, I was asked, with 3 other students, to develop an online projects management system for the computer science department of the university Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO). Goals This website had to allow the persons invited by the projects session […]

A short adventure: Netvibes modules directory

Do you know Netvibes ? This is (in my opinion) the best customizable start page (competitor of iGoogle). It allows you to put on the same page all the information you are interested in on the web. For this, it uses a modular structure: each user can add the modules it is interested in. The […]

Create the website of a very small business: Le fil à soi

This website is one of the first websites I have created. History The firstversion looked very bad: there were animated GIFs and frames that gave the website a very unprofessional look. Sadly I haven’t any screenshot of this version. The second version was a bit better: I had discovered PHP, that allowed me to replace […]

Hello world

As I write this article, this blog isn’t yet available online. With this blog, I intend to create a place where I will present my projects, present myself, and discuss with the persons interested in my projects. Translation This blog is available in English and in French. I first write my posts in French, then […]